UNC Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Tuesday, October 17, 2000, 4:00pm, Phillip Hall 330 (UNC)
Jonathan Wahl/Mirel Caibar/Shrawan Kumar (University of North Carolina)
(At UNC) Jet schemes of canonical singularities and a theorem of B. Kostant
We are interested in a recent preprint by M. Mustata (AG/0008002), with an appendix by David Eisenbud and Eduard Frenkel. The main result is the proof of a conjecture of Eisenbud and Frenkel: for a local complete intersection variety X, then all the "jet schemes" are irreducible if and only if X has canonical singularities. The appendix is a generalization of a theorem of Kostant for a complex simple Lie algebra: the ring of functions is free over the ring of invariant functions. The appeal of the subject to us is the increased visibility of jet-schemes, or spaces of arcs, in recent years. For a smooth variety, Kontsevich introduced motivic measures on the space of jets; the resulting "motivic integration" has been very influential, and was the subject of our seminar last Spring. (In fact, this technique is used in the present proof). It was John Nash's old idea to study singular varieties using jet schemes; and we view this paper as a good way to get comfortable with some of the basic results. The first talk will be an introduction, including the basic definitions and properties of jet schemes of order m. Then in later talks we'll talk about canonical and log-canonical singularities, and introduce the main results. We'll explain how motivic integration will be used in the proof. Finally, Shrawan will explain the importance of Kostant's theorem, and we'll present the generalization of Eisenbud-Frenkel.

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