String Theory Seminar at UNC-CH
Thursday, November 4, 1999, 4:00pm, Phillips Hall (UNC-CH)
Albrecht Klemm (IAS Princeton)
M-Theory, Topological Strings and Spinning Black Holes
We consider M-theory compactifications on Calabi-Yau threefolds. The recently discovered connection between the BPS states of wrapped M2-branes and the topological string amplitudes on the threefold is used both as a tool to compute topological string amplitudes at higher genera as well as to unravel the degeneracies and quantum numbers of BPS states. Moduli spaces of k-fold symmetric products of the wrapped M2 brane play a crucial role. We also show that the topological string partition function is the Calabi-Yau version of the elliptic genus of the symmetric product of K3's and use the macroscopic entropy of spinning black holes in 5 dimensions to obtain new predictions for the asymptotic growth of the topological string amplitudes at high genera.

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