re:boot Number Theory 2017
Intensive research retreat for women in number theory
1 - 3 June 2017 (All day Thursday and Friday, half day on Saturday)
Duke University

Funded by:
NSA-Mathematical Sciences Program

With additional funding from:
Number Theory Foundation
National Science Foundation
Initiative for Women in the Quantitative Sciences at Duke

This is the second event in the re:boot series!
See here for the first re:boot 2016.

Alejandra Alvarado (Assistant Professor, Eastern Illinois University)
Jenny Fuselier (Associate Professor, High Point University)
Heekyoung Hahn (Assistant Research Professor, Duke University)
Lillian Pierce (Assistant Professor, Duke University)
Caroline Turnage-Butterbaugh (Elliott Assistant Research Professor, Duke)
Dena Zhu (Graduate Student, Duke University)

Alex Kontorovich (Associate Professor, Rutgers University) via an NSF CAREER grant

Guest Speakers:
Shabnam Akhtari (Assistant Professor, University of Oregon)
Radmila Sazdanovic (Assistant Professor, North Caroline State University)
Agnes Szanto (Associate Professor, North Carolina State University)
Lisa Traynor (Professor and Chair of Mathematics, Bryn Mawr College)

To contact the organizers, email
reboot (dot) numbertheory ((at)) gmail (dot) com


We anticipate welcoming about three dozen researchers to this program. Researchers will be chosen to build a group that is well-balanced in terms of career stage and number theoretic discipline. We welcome applications from women who will apply for postdoctoral and/or tenure-track jobs in the fall of 2017 and receive a PhD in number theory in the spring of 2018, as well as women currently in postdoctoral or tenure-track/tenured positions who have received a PhD in number theory within roughly the past 10 years. Participants in re:boot 2016 are welcome to apply, although some preference may be given to women who have not participated in re:boot before.

Re:boot is a 2.5 day intensive "boot camp" for women in number theory that will take place at Duke University during June 2017, following the successful 2016 event re:boot 2016. Our days at this unusual event will be focused on developing detailed long-term research trajectories. Our activities will not include standard research talks, but will instead be organized around (a) focused discussions on current developments in areas of number theory; (b) time periods spent on specific writing "assignments" meant to help solidify research plans relevant to grant-writing and job applications; (c) vertically integrated mentoring; (d) Q&A sessions with mathematicians who have participated in grant writing and grant evaluation and hiring committees; (e) opportunities to get feedback from peers and to gain new mentors.

Travel and accommodation
We will provide travel and accommodation funding for all participants.

Exceptional funding
While we believe in providing a supplement to assist with childcare costs and child travel costs for participants who will travel with a dependent child, such flexible funding is difficult to obtain from US funding sources. We nevertheless would like to hear from applicants if such funding would make a significant difference in their ability to participate fully in re:boot.