Math 111.01/02 (Applied Mathematical Analysis I)

Fall 1998

Plan for Week 7

In this shortened week of Fall Break we halt our headlong rush through new material to consolidate and assess what we have learned in the first six weeks of the course. The major themes thus far have been

Our group activity on Wednesday focuses on review of several of these themes in the context of a new problem. This is preparation for the take-home test, which will be handed out at the end of class and turned in at the start of Friday's lab.

Lab this week picks up on last week's study of nonhomogeneous linear equations, that is, equations with a "driving" or "forcing" term which is an explicit function of time t. In particular, we will explore the phenomenon of resonance.

Here is the syllabus for Week 7:

Week 7 Date Topic Reading Activity
W 10/14 Review Ch. 1-3 Start Take-Home Test 1
F 10/16 Nonhomogeneous
linear DEs
Take-Home Test 1 due
Lab: Forced Spring Motion


  1. We have a "homework holiday" this week. You will be busy enough with a take-home test, finishing one lab, and starting another.
  2. Submit your Week 7 lab report (the Maple file) via e-mail by the end of the day Wednesday, October 21.
  3. Remember to submit your e-mail journal entry on Friday, October 16.

David A. Smith <>

Last modified: July 14, 1998