Web Feats II
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A Workshop on Design of Classroom Lessons in Mathematics from Web-based Materials

United States Military Academy
West Point, NY
July 22-26, 2002

The PostCALC Project at Duke University and the United States Military Academy are jointly sponsoring a workshop for high school mathematics teachers interested in creating classroom materials from existing and new web-based components.

The workshop will be held at the United States Military Academy in West Point, NY during the week of July 22-26, 2002. It will feature a survey of useful sites, an examination of what makes an effective online lesson, and an opportunity to work in a small group to create sample materials. A discussion web site will be created to allow participants to continue developing the contacts made at the workshop.

This is a repeat of the successful Web Feats workshop conducted by us last summer at The Eisenhower National Clearinghouse in Columbus, OH. The web site for that workshop contains the schedule, a list of participants, pictures, and some of the materials produced by the participants at this first workshop:

Web Feats I

The Web Feats II Workshop


Send an email message to the address below with the following information:

  1. Name

  2. Address

  3. Phone number

  4. School Affiliation

  5. School Address

  6. Teaching Experience

  7. Technology Experience

  8. Other information that you think might be relevant

Send applications and requests for additional information to lang@math.duke.edu.

revised 3/23/02